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SC AddOns for AVEVA

Shared innovation for
customised solutions

We work closely with our customers to streamline their processes and workflows and co-develop new features. This collaborative effort enhances AVEVA E3D Design, integrating add-on features and interfaces to create innovative solutions. SC AddOns leverage the power of AVEVA E3D Design alongside our own innovation and expertise.

SC Escape

The SC Escape tool provides exit plans for your project without requiring export or third-party software. Symbols in 3D can be placed to tag assets in the model and generate reports or maintenance workflows.

SC Chute & Hopper

This tool offers the quickest way to generate chute and hopper structures within a 3D model, accommodating various transitions seamlessly.

SC Equipment Template

The SC Equipment Template consolidates all features of equipment templates into one interface, providing a better overview and enabling easy customisation for smart handling.

SC Navis Works

SC Navisworks exports configurable 3D models with attributes to Navisworks NWD files in a smart and simple way.

SC Replicator

Copy and rotate in a single motion, while renaming all parts and maintaining connectivity, so an ISO can be drawn directly from the modified piping.

„Tailor-made solutions drive optimal performance. We are committed to delivering excellence, even in challenging scenarios where solutions may appear elusive at first glance.“

Sven Markmann

SCHULLER&Company, Development

Sven Markmann Porträtbild
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